10 Locksmith Secrets You Probably Didn’t Know

Unless you’ve worked with a locksmith (or you are a locksmith), you probably don’t know very much about one of the world’s oldest professions.
Ready to get an inside look at this interesting trade? Here are 10 locksmith secrets we’re guessing that you didn’t know.
1) The Best Lock is a Properly-Installed Deadbolt
A good dead bolt has at least a one inch throw along with a security plate on the strike side (with throws at least three inches long extending all the way into the door’s wood frame).
PS: Many locksmiths will agree that general contractors don’t know how to install deadbolts, which is why many homes are outfitted with deadbolts that aren’t properly installed.
2) Locked Safes Probably Aren’t As Exciting As You Think
To many people, locked safes are a world of exciting opportunities. Many people buy a locked safe at a pawn shop for hundreds of dollars dreaming of the exciting treasures they’ll find inside. In reality, most locked safes contain nothing but mouse poop. Of course, you never know for sure until you open it.
3) “Do Not Duplicate” Keys Are Duplicated Frequently
You may have seen a key that says “Do Not Duplicate” on it. You may think, “This key has never been duplicated”. But in reality, these keys are duplicated quite frequently. Fortunately, good locksmiths will be able to install high-security locks with keys that cannot be duplicated at a local hardware store – no matter how much you bribe the hardware store guy.
4) Checking ID for Personal Property is a Tricky Subject
One of the trickiest parts about being a locksmith is ensuring that the person is gaining access to property they actually own. To do that, most locksmiths request an ID. But when you’re opening a car or home, where do you think that ID may be?
5) Cheap Locks from Hardware Stores and Walmart Are Easy to Break
Most cheap locks are stupidly easy to compromise. If you’re looking for a good, cheap lock, look for at least a grade 2. Anything less than that is leaving your property at too much of a risk.
6) Locksmiths See More Dead Bodies Than You Might Think
If you had to name a profession that sees a lot of dead bodies, “locksmith” probably wouldn’t be one of your guesses. But who do you think opens a locked door when someone dies in their home or room? It’s never a good sign when you get a call from a landlord who hasn’t seen their tenant in 2 weeks.
7) No Matter How Stupid Your Mistake Was, Someone Once Messed Up Worse Than You
One of the most entertaining parts of being a locksmith is finding out which new and inventive ways someone locked themselves out of their property. No matter how dumb you think you may be, there’s always somebody who did something dumber to lock themselves out.
8) Most Locksmiths Can Duplicate Automotive Keys
Car dealers will often charge you a pricey fee to duplicate modern automotive keys – like fob keys. In reality, most good locksmiths can easily make identical keys that are indistinguishable from those made by your car dealer – often for half the price.
9) Try WD-40 or Similar Spray
Sometimes, your key isn’t broken: it’s just temporarily stuck because the pins are jammed up. WD-40 or a similar silicone spray can solve this problem without the pricey locksmith service call.
10) Never Forget to Try the Door
It happens every day: somebody pays a costly locksmith fee, only for their car, their window, or some other access point to be open. Always remember to try everything before you call the locksmith. Otherwise, the locksmith will laugh at you if they arrive and the door is wide open.
Thanks to locksmiths like The Key Guy Mobile Locksmith, Central Valley residents in San Joaquin, California can relax knowing a friendly, affordable, local locksmith is on their side. So the next time you need help with a lock or key from a dependable licensed locksmith in Manteca, Stockton, Tracy or other parts of San Joaquin County, call The Key Guy!